Media Lab Core Support Unit
Overview Media Lab Members PublicationsThe Media Lab provides a range of standardised buffers, media solutions and agar plates of high, consistent quality.
The Media Lab produces around 35 standard buffers, as well as liquid media and various types of agar plates, which are available 24/7. Altogether, these add up to more than 60 products in our portfolio. We also produce customised buffers on request. Besides managing three in-house supply centers for commercial products (e.g. enzymes, kits and media) and an ORF clone collection, the Media Lab also manages general S1 and S2 waste, and cleaning and sterilisation of glassware.

Full services (IMB only):
Preparation and supply of:
- Media for bacteria, yeast and insect cells, as well as C. elegans
- Agar plates (35 mm, 60 mm. 90 mm, and 150 mm diameter Petri dishes)
- Routinely-used buffers, antibiotics and other solutions
- Order on demand: User-specific orders, bulk orders, standing orders, custom media agar plates
- Management of three commercial in-house supply centres providing 24/7 access to molecular biology and cell culture products
- Human ORF clone collection with >39,000 clones
- Overnight cultures of human ORF clones for plasmid preparation
- Cleaning and sterilisation of equipment and lab glassware
- Sterilisation of solutions and plastic consumables
- Autoclaving and disposal for S1/S2 waste
Key instruments
- Autoclave DSL 669-1 ED, 552 L
- Autoclave DSL 669-2 GD, 552 L
- Two laboratory dishwashers PG8527
- Two hot air sterilizers SFB 800
- Drying cabinet UFP 800

“An acknowledgement of the Core Facilities in your publication is important and more than just a nice way to say thank you. Your acknowledgement matters!”
Acknowledgements are the currency by which Core Facilities are measured: they help us prove our value and our contribution to research results. Acknowledging Core Facilities shows that we are important partners in the scientific community, and it allows us to maintain funding and make further investment in the Core Facilities.
Specific examples of how to properly acknowledge our Core Facilities can be viewed on our Intranet. In accordance with DFG recommendations, we furthermore ask that you acknowledge any instrumentation that is funded through a DFG major instrumentation grant by including the corresponding project number.