Upcoming Events

Below please find a list of upcoming training events held at IMB for members of the International PhD Programme (IPP) on "Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Genome Stability", the IMB Postdoc Programme (IPPro), the RTG GenEvo, the RTG 4R, the iRTG of the SFB1361 and the iRTG of the SFB1551. Courses are open also to other young scientists for a fee covering the costs of trainer and course organisation.

If there is no other information in the course description, all courses are taking place at IMB, Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz (University Campus).
* Costs for members of the IPP, IPPro, SFB 1361, SFB1551, 4R and GenEvo are covered by the respective programmes.

To register, please fill in the course registration form (assoc. programmes) or email training(at)imb.de (externals).

DateEventFurther information

Biostatistics - Spring 2025

Trainer: Fridolin Kielisch in cooperation with IMB core facilities
Date & Time: 4 March - 8 April 2025, 9:15 - 10:45 (6 weekly units of 90 minutes each, always Tue)
Venue: onsite
Target group: 1st year PhD student + young researchers aiming at repetition
This module focuses on statistics as an important instrument of scientific work. Students will take a 'probabilistc point of view' on scientific experiments and familiarize themselfes with statistical tools like confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, ANOVA, etc. The course mainly uses the statistical computing framework R, but due to the general nature of the topics any statistical software can be used you are familiar with. 
The module consists of seven units. Between the sessions, the students will do small exercises at home. Tutors will be available for questions and answers.
Participants must be familiar with a software allowing statistical analysis prior to the course. For beginners, we recommend and support a self-learning course in R.


Please register by 31 January 2025
This course is not open to external* participants at the moment. For more information, please email training@imb-mainz.de


Supervision and Leadership Skills - 12+13 March 2025

Trainer: Dr Imke Lode
Date and Time: 12 + 13 March 2025, (9:00-17:00)
Target group: late-stage PhD students, Postdocs, Staff Scientists
Venue: onsite
In this course, participants will learn the attitude and basic understanding of supervision and leadership in science; culturally shaped expectations of self and others, teaching and learning cultures; tasks, limits and role of supervisors. It aims to convey

  • the ability to provide constructive scientific and psycho-social supervision and guidance to students and doctoral candidates in the research, working and writing process.
  • that academics know their role, tasks and limits as supervisors.
  • how to communicate with supervisees in an appreciative, diversity-sensitive and effective manner.

Please register by 10 February 2025
To receive information on course fees for external* participants, please email training@imb-mainz.de


Adobe Illustrator - Beginners - 1 April 2025

Trainer: Christian Nuber
Date and Time: 1 April 2025, 11:00-19:00 (!NOTE!)
Venue: onsite
Target group: Postdocs & PhD students
This beginners' course aims at PhD students and junior scientists who want to learn how to make figures and drawings for scientific publications / posters using Adobe illustrator.

Please register by 27 February 2024
To receive information on course fees for external* participants, please email training@imb-mainz.de